Not everyone is born with fair skin. But everyone can have
an even tone of the skin that will make them look beautiful. Maintaining an
even tone for your skin is not easy as many things can affect it. Pigmentation
of the skin is something that many people suffer from. Dark spots appear on
various parts of the skin and spoil the beauty of your skin. These can be
caused by various factors. Age is an important factor as also exposure to the
sun. Some cosmetic products can also cause dark spots to appear on the skin. It
is essential to know the causes of pigmentation so that you can stay away from
those factors and keep your skin beautiful.
What Causes Pigmentation of Skin
Before you look for pigmentation treatment in Singapore you
must know the causes so that you can take precautions. One of the main causes
of pigmentation is age. Another is extended exposure to the sun which results
in sunspots. The body produces more melanin to fight against the bad effects of
the sun. Melanin is what gives color to your skin. With this excess production,
your skin can start developing dark spots. Reducing the exposure of your skin
to sunlight can prevent the occurrence to a certain extent. Pigmentation can
also occur after inflammatory conditions like acne, injury, or eczema. This is
more common among dark-skinned people.
Pregnancy is another cause of pigmentation. This happens due
to the change of hormones in the body. Some medicines also turn the skin into a
grey color. Medicines used to cure malaria and antidepressants can also cause
this discoloration. Certain disease conditions like Addison's disease and
hemochromatosis can also cause pigmentation to the skin. The later is an
inherited condition where the body contains excessive quantities of iron which
leads to pigmentation. Whatever be the cause there are now easy, safe and
painless treatments for pigmentation removal that are available in
Treatments For Curing Pigmentation
The aesthetic clinics in Singapore have dermatologists who
can check your skin and identify the cause of your pigmentation and recommend
the most suitable pigmentation treatment for your skin type. The
treatments offered at the aesthetic clinic helps to remove the pigmentation and
also lighten your skin. The laser is a very common painless treatment method
that is offered by the clinics for pigmentation. The laser is a very safe
treatment and the experts who administer the treatment at the aesthetic clinics
are highly trained in the job.
Intense pulsed light is another effective treatment for
pigmentation as it destroys the pigment and helps it to be removed by natural
process. These rays can penetrate the skin and act deep within to remove the
pigmentation. The best laser for pigmentation can also be more focused
and effectively treat the condition faster than other methods. The peels help
in exfoliating the skin and removing the top layer. This triggers the growth of
new skin.